This Update Fixer installs features missing in the Conflict Catcher v4.0.3 updater which was available on-line between 6/25/97 & 6/29/97.
Do I need this Update Fixer?
If you updated to v4.0.3 from a previous version of Conflict Catcher 4 with the 4.0.3 updater which was available online between 6/25/97 and 6/29/97, you need this Update Fixer.
If you are in doubt, here is how you can tell if you need to apply this Update Fixer:
1) Open Conflict Catcher 4.
2) Do you have version 4.0.3 (visible in the bottom right corner of Conflict Catcher 4's main window)?
If you have any version other than 4.0.3 then you do not need this Update Fixer. If you have v4.0.3 then continue with Step 3.
3) Type "Command-F" (while Conflict Catcher 4's main window is still open and forward).
If the Find dialog appears you have the correct 4.0.3 version and you do not need this Update Fixer.
If no dialog appears then you do need to apply this Update Fixer.
What will this Update Fixer do?
This Update Fixer will update your Reference Library, enable the new "Find" and "Find again" commands, and ensure that Mac OS 8 users cannot disable Appearance Extension (which must be enabled for Mac OS 8 to successfully startup).
This patch will:
a) Update your CC 4.0.3 Control Panel
b) Update your Reference library
This patch will not affect your customized Sets or Links.
To apply the update:
1. Restart your computer with extensions off
2. Double click on the “Conflict Catcher™ 4.0.3 Updater” file
3. After reading the Readme, click "Patch" to perform the update
Locate the "Conflict Catcher™" file in the Control Panels folder
Locate the "Conflict Catcher™ Reference" file in the Extensions folder
For users of Mac OS 8:
New Mac OS 8 Sets will have to be imported from the Conflict Catcher™ Reference Library. Here are the steps necessary to import the latest Sets from the Conflict Catcher Reference Library:
1) Open Conflict Catcher 4
2) From the "Sets" menu choose "Edit Sets…"
3) Click the "Import" button
4) Select "Conflict Catcher™ Reference" which is located in the extensions folder in the system folder
5) Hold down the "Shift" key and click on both "Mac OS 8 All" and "Mac OS 8 Base" sets to select them both
6) Click "OK"
Changes and New Features in 4.0.3:
• Compatibility with Mac OS 8:
– Mac OS 8 Includes a new file called Appearance Extension which must be enabled for Mac OS 8 to successfully startup. Previous versions of Conflict Catcher were able to disable this extension and therefore keep machines running Mac OS 8 from starting up. Conflict Catcher v4.0.3 will not allow this file to be disabled.
– Other minor changes necessary to support Mac OS 8, including new sets.
• Added Find and Find Again commands to the File menu.
• Type selection (from within the main window, Conflict Catcher will find a file if you type the first character(s) of the file name), Tab, and Arrow Keys will auto-expand categories to display files.
• Duplicating sets will now select the new set.
• Added Scan Startup Files to the Special menu for easier access.
Changes between 4.0.1 and 4.0.2:
• The installer offers to re-enable your previous startup file manager upon removal of Conflict Catcher.
• The English version of Conflict Catcher 4 now supports international operating systems.
• Group links have been updated.
• Online Help has been updated.
• Updated built-in sets for System 7.6 and 7.6.1.
• Fixed a potential problem with “Edit File Types” preferences.
• Conflict Catcher now displays more characters in the version string within the magnifying glass window.
New Features of 4.0.2:
• Breaking Group Links to a Startup File
Occasionally, it may be necessary to break any group links to a specific startup file. This allows direct manipulation of a file while ignoring any group links that might include it. The “Break Links” button is located directly below the “Change Colors” button for any magnified startup file. To break a link, simply click the button and indicate that you really want to break any group links to this startup file. Incompatible and Forced Order links are unaffected by this option.
• Non-Apple Keyboards
We have confirmed that the following 3rd-party keyboards have an issue with CC4's ability at startup to use pre-defined startup keys, as well as bringing up CC4 by holding down the spacebar: Datadesk 101E, Keytronics, and Radius.
If you have any problems with the updater, please contact us:
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